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Employee Engagement & Wellbeing Research

The team at AgileBrain® routinely conducts research studies of full-time employees. Our primary focus is on employee wellbeing with the goal of helping employers understand what they could do better to support their people.


Workforce Listening 6

Return of the Great Resignation?

Focused on the change in attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions for top level priorities of C-Suite executives. Well-being remains a major theme in this 6th Workforce Listening Study, including:

  • A continued increase in emotional activation among workers
  • A continued shift toward emotional negativity among workers
  • Acute needs for support in the home and at work
  • Alarmingly high levels of stress and depression among workers
  • Signs of a return of the Great Resignation
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Employee Engagement & Wellbeing Research

The team at AgileBrain® routinely conducts research studies of full-time employees. Our primary focus is on employee well-being with the goal of helping employers understand what they could do better to support their teams.


Workforce Listening 6

Return of the Great Resignation?

Focused on the change in attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions for top level priorities of C-Suite executives. Well-being remains a major theme in this 6th Workforce Listening Study, including:

  • A continued increase in emotional activation among workers
  • A continued shift toward emotional negativity among workers
  • Acute needs for support in the home and at work
  • Alarmingly high levels of stress and depression among workers
  • Signs of a return of the Great Resignation
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Full Workforce Listening Study Library

The Emotional Toll of COVID-19

COVID-19’s Deepening Crisis of Employee Wellbeing

Employee Emotional Wellbeing Crisis Takes a Dangerous Turn

Employee Attitudes Toward Personal Growth and Fulfillment

State of the American Worker

Return of the Great Resignation?

Neuroscience & Emotional Needs Peer Reviewed Research

Get information on research and the science of emotions.

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