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Understanding the Emotional Effects of the Ukrainian Conflict – AgileBrain Research

Tags: AB for Coaches , Coaching , ICF , Ukraine Initiative , Ukrainian Language , Wellbeing

AgileBrain Ukraine Initiative – Celebrating 1 Year

In August of 2023, AgileBrain partnered with ICF Ukraine to provide AB for Coaches for free to coaches in Ukraine, aiming to support Ukrainian citizens during this challenging time. Since it’s inception our Ukrainian Initiative has enlisted over 50 coaches.

Over the past year, Ukrainian coaches have utilized AgileBrain’s unique image-based assessment and framework to accurately measure and understand the emotional needs of their citizens. With over 600 assessments conducted to date, some noticeable patterns have emerged.

“It is estimated that one in four Ukrainians — some 10 million people — may suffer from mental health issues because of the ongoing crisis. The Ukrainian health services have become overburdened and can only support 1/3 of those in need.” – Euronews

Olena Semenchuk, PCC
AgileBrain Associate Practitionr
Business and Executive Coach

“AgileBrain empowers my clients to better understand their current emotional needs, enabling them to find greater motivation and strength to move forward even during the most challenging times in their lives”.

“AgileBraine дає моїм клієнтам можливість, краще усвідомлюючи свої поточні емоційні потреби, знайти найбільшу мотивацію та сили для руху вперед навіть у найскладніший період життя”.

Viktoriia Kopylova, PCC, EMCC
AgileBrain Associate Practitioner
Mentor Coach

“AgileBrain empowers my clients to better understand their current emotional needs, enabling them to find greater motivation and strength to move forward even during the most challenging times in their lives”.

“AgileBraine дає моїм клієнтам можливість, краще усвідомлюючи свої поточні емоційні потреби, знайти найбільшу мотивацію та сили для руху вперед навіть у найскладніший період життя”.

Ala Baranova, ACC, EMCC
AgileBrain Professional Practitioner

“Implicit tests and tasks are better than verbal ones at revealing human needs. This is especially relevant now during times of war and crisis, instability and uncertainty, when severe stress alters the perception of reality and disrupts cognitive functions.”

“Імпліцитні тести та завдання краще ніж вербальні виявляють потреби людини, це набуває особливої актуальності зараз у час війни та кризи, нестабільності та невизначеності, коли потужний стрес змінює сприйняття реальності та порушує когнітивні функції”

AgileBrain, CEO John has spent more than 30 years building businesses: designing new business models, cultivating channel partners, developing product offerings and landing early-adopter clients. All of these accomplishments follow from one core principle – it's all about the people. John is a frequent guest speaker and has authored articles on a range of human capital topics, including organizational culture, employee engagement, emotional measurement and assessment design. Prior to joining AgileBrain, Penrose served as an executive officer for DeWolfe Companies, a publicly traded real estate and financial services company, where he envisioned and built one of the first dotcoms serving homeowners. Earlier in his career John served as a Director in the strategy practice of Deloitte Consulting and as a Vice President in corporate finance at Citibank in New York and Kinshasa, Zaire. John earned his AB (history) at Dartmouth (magna cum laude), his MBA at Wharton and an MA in International Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. He has two grown children and lives with his wife, Fatima, in Boston and on their farm in New Hampshire, where he grows hops, harvests timber, and maple sugars.

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