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AgileBrain for Coaches, Practitioners & Therapists Membership

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AgileBrain for Coaches Pricing


Ideal for coaches who are just starting out

    • $25 / report
    • Community Membership
    • Technology Platform
    • $500 / Group Report



Ideal for coaches who are actively coaching

    • $10 / report
    • Community Membership
    • Technology Platform
    • $500 / Group Report



Ideal for coaches who are actively coaching & marketing

  • $2.50 / report
  • Community Membership
  • Technology Platform
  • $500 / Group Report

“AgileBrain is the best people insight tool I’ve ever seen. It gets people talking quickly and candidly. It’s like a can opener!”

Julian Johnson, PCC - CEO, Unified Solutions Coaching

AgileBrain is a wonderful tool. It helps me get to my clients’ most important issues quickly, and, as a scientist, I appreciate the science behind it. AgileBrain is a “go to” tool on my bench.

Ofelia Olivero ICF, ACC, Life Coach, Cancer Researcher and Author Interdisciplinary Mentoring in Science

It’s amazing to watch a room of executives take AgileBrain and then see their collective emotional profile in real time. The results foster break-through insights about culture and help build consensus.

Dave Casullo, Author “Leading the High Energy Culture”

AgileBrain Membership Includes…

Buisness coach working at desk on the AgileBrain Coaches portal

..The AgileBrain Technology Platform

Launch AgileBrain assessments for clients and prospects
Select from a set of targeted prompts to focus on your client’s specific issues
Receive notifications when assessments are completed
Link prospects and clients directly to your online calendar to schedule debriefs
Access clients’ AgileBrain Profiles and AgileBrain 10 States enhanced profiles
Access resources, including user guides, videos, research and support
Signup for orientation and other events

…Unlimited Access to the AgileBrain Community of Coaches

Participate in the monthly Coaching Forum to network, share best practices, learn about new neuroscience research
Sign-up for orientation, training events and office hours with AgileBrain experts
Engage in continuous conversation online with like-minded professionals
Collaborate with other coaches in your focus area, like women in business, neurodiversity, trauma-informed care, and emotional intelligence
Learn ways to enhance and expand your practice
Virtual buisness meeting

Get information on research and the science of emotions.

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