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AB for Teams

Our team exercises can unlock remarkable insight and productive dialog to unlock greater cohesion and performance.

Build Better Team Dynamics

AB for Teams helps build healthier teams. AgileBrain helps reveal how each team member feels about being part of the group and the group’s overall emotional and motivational needs.

  • What demotivators are holding the group back?
  • What shared motivators can propel the team forward?
  • What subgroups may be working at cross-purposes?

“We are on twice as many teams as we were five years ago.”

— Microsoft Study

AB for Teams Enables Positive Change

AB for Teams helps team members thrive. Instant and personalized feedback enable individual team members to better understand their unique emotional / motivational needs within the team and engage in more productive conversations with their coach or team manager to drive positive change.

…and Helps Identify Course Correction

AB for Teams helps managers detect and execute course corrections during the team journey. Interpersonal relations and external pressures make teams living organisms with shifting emotions and growing pains. Monitoring for those shifts and addressing them are critical to keeping the team on course through the inevitable ups and downs.

Easy to Get Started

AB for Teams exercises can be implemented in minutes. So, they’re ready when the team’s dynamics need attention. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3:

Set Up & Launch your Exercise

Just select a few quick settings to dial in the experience.

Capture Emotions

Because AgileBrain is a fun, 3 minute exercise completed on any device,  in just a few minutes, you can start collecting responses!

Explore the Results

Access individual team member and group results within seconds to facilitate team dialogue.

Useful at Any Point Throughout the Team Journey

Use an AgileBrain team exercise whenever an internal or external challenge puts the team’s journey at risk.

Team Formation
A great kick off activity to help team members get to know each other and establish the team objectives and shared values.

A standard part of your monthly or quarterly team meeting to get team members talking about team dynamics.

Team Challenge
An intervention when internal or external challenge puts the journey at risk.

New Team Member
A great welcome exercise for individuals joining the team.

Personal Challenge
An intervention when a member’s personal challenge puts the team’s journey at risk.

Motivate teams through their emotions. See how.

“AgileBrain is the best people insight tool I’ve ever seen. It gets people talking quickly and candidly. It’s like a can opener!”

Julian Johnson, PCC - CEO, Unified Solutions Coaching

AgileBrain is a wonderful tool. It helps me get to my clients’ most important issues quickly, and, as a scientist, I appreciate the science behind it. AgileBrain is a “go to” tool on my bench.

Ofelia Olivero ICF, ACC, Life Coach, Cancer Researcher and Author Interdisciplinary Mentoring in Science

It’s amazing to watch a room of executives take AgileBrain and then see their collective emotional profile in real time. The results foster break-through insights about culture and help build consensus.

Dave Casullo, Author “Leading the High Energy Culture”

Get information on research and the science of emotions.

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