
AgileBrain for Business

The secret to motivating people is meeting their emotional needs.

Neuroscience has conclusively shown that emotions, more than rational thought, drive human behaviors. Emotions are the mind’s early warning system, constantly monitoring for threats and opportunities and triggering motivations to make a change in response. Without understanding their emotions, you can’t effectively motivate people to achieve desired results.

AgileBrain works with businesses and consultants to support employee positive change and tap into the power of emotional insight to drive better organizational results. Our neuroscience- based approach gets to the “truth” of employees’ emotions and motivations to deliver:

Positive personal growth – Employees who are emotionally well can engage in their work. Helping people understand their emotional needs and talk about them enables positive change and engagement.

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Improved team dynamics – So much work is done in teams but so little is understood about the emotions of team members and their effect on team dynamics. Surfacing those emotions can build trust and align motivations to achieve great results.

team health

Healthier cultures – An organization’s culture is reflected profoundly in the emotions its employees hold about their work experience. Measuring and tracking emotional culture enables targeted interventions to promote healthy cultural practices (and root out toxic ones).

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Deeper business insights – Because emotions explain so much about human behaviors, adding emotions to a research program yields far greater explanatory power than traditional cognitive survey techniques alone, resulting in deeper insight and thought leadership.

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Motivation drives results; Emotions drive motivation; Understand emotions!

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Neuroscience has conclusively shown that emotions, more than rational thought, drive human behaviors. Emotions are the mind’s early warning system, constantly monitoring for threats and opportunities and triggering motivations to make a change in response. Without understanding their emotions, you can’t effectively motivate people to achieve desired results.

AgileBrain works with businesses and consultants to support employee positive change and tap into the power of emotional insight to drive better organizational results. Our quick, imaged-based assessment gets to the “truth” of employees’ emotions and motivations to deliver:

Positive personal growth – Emotions, more than thoughts, drive human behaviors. Helping people understand their emotional needs and talk about them enables positive change and resilience.

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Improved team dynamics – Improved team dynamics So much work is done in teams but so little is understood about the emotions of team members. Surfacing those emotions can build trust and align motivations to achieve great results.

team health

Healthier cultures – An organization’s culture is reflected profoundly in the emotions its employees hold about their work experience. Measuring and tracking emotional culture enables targeted interventions to promote healthy cultural practices (and root out toxic ones).

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Deeper business insights – Because emotions explain so much about human behaviors, adding emotions to a research program yields far greater explanatory power than traditional cognitive survey techniques alone, resulting in deeper insight and thought leadership.

What People Are Saying About AgileBrain

Coach Casullo headshot

“It’s amazing to watch a room of executives take AgileBrain and then see their collective emotional profile in real time. The results foster break-through insights about culture and help build consensus.”

Dave Casullo, Author

“Leading the High Energy Culture


“The AgileBrain for Research approach helped us generate unique insights about our marketplace and the customers we serve. We built valuable thought leadership with it.”

Bret McCarthy, SVP Marketing

Solutions for Business

For People

Used by coaches and consultants to support positive personal growth.

  • Speed to insight
  • Powerful conversation
  • Deeper understanding
  • Trust building
  • Greater individual engagement
What We Deliver
  • AgileBrain exercise
  • Rich individual profile
  • Easy-to-apply methodology

For Teams

Used by coaches and consultants to support positive team change.

  • Speed to insight
  • Powerful conversation
  • Shared understanding
  • Trust building
  • Greater team performance
What We Deliver
  • AgileBrain exercise
  • Rich team profile
  • Easy-to-apply methodology

For Culture

Used by organizations to build healthier cultures.

  • Fun, dynamic workshops
  • Organizational buy-in
  • Predictive models tied to key outcomes like engagement and retention
  • Roadmap to a healthier culture
What We Deliver
  • Culture workshops
  • Employee surveys
  • Analytics and insights

For Research

Used by leaders to generate deeper understanding of mission critical issues.

  • Deeper understanding of the research topic
  • Predictive models tying research topic to key outcomes
  • Thought leadership for target audiences
  • Competitive advantage in the marketplace of ideas
What We Deliver
  • Design and execution
  • Analytics and insights
  • PhD-led at every step

AgileBrain for Business Pricing


Ideal for coaches working with individuals to drive positive personal change
From $ 250
00 Year
  • $25 per report
  • Community Membership
  • Technology Platform


Ideal for consultants working with teams
to promote positive group dynamics
$ 500
00 Report*
  • Individual team reports
  • Community Membership
  • Technology Platform
  • * with People Subscription


Ideal for organizations seeking healthier cultures
  • Custom Program
  • $5,000 per Workshop
  • Contact us for pricing


Ideal for leaders trying to better understand mission critical business issues
  • Custom Study
  • Contact us for pricing

For more information on AgileBrain for Buisness submit the form below.

For more information on AgileBrain for Coaches submit the form below.